home decor & wall decor
ozscape designs
my daughter lesley who is a textile designer, has asked me on several occassions to create artwork for her online business - Ozscape designs
lesley has adapted my watercolors & various artworks to create textile designs for her home decor & wall decor range @
Ozscapehomedecor on etsy
ozscapedesignsart on etsy
"My Dad always encouraged me to draw, paint & be creative. I'm sure that's why I have ended up following a career path in the creative arts as a textile designer.
I've always thought he was an incredibly talented 'artist' and I'm so proud to showcase his fantastic artwork as part of my Ozscape Designs
home decor collections."
– lesley edgar
Dad and I in the Edinburgh gardens on one of our many walks together during his recovery and during the long Melbourne Covid lockdowns.
– acrylic on canvas 2020